onsdag 2 september 2009


i can hardly stop laughing.

what has pussypants got to do with humour?

well, i still don’t know after reading sandra engström’s text in nöjesguiden. she’s moaning about an issue of the magazine bang focusing on humour.

there’s nothing about pussypants in that issue of bang. however, the writer seems to make a link: “…hur kommer det sig att det inte finns särskilt många roliga komiker här i Sverige? Vad är det för fel på humorn i Sverige? Det hade varit en intressantare artikel än vilket tröttsamt dravel om fittbyxor som helst.”

or am i crying?

1 kommentar:

  1. Interesting that the x-front pants has managed to make a space for themselves so quickly, being referred to in mainstream-media and becoming a symbol of what is not needed in a feminist discussion or struggle... I'm not sure what to make of it (is all publicity good publicity?) but I can't help smiling!
